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Rabies-induced behavioural changes are key to rabies persistence in dog populations: Investigation using a network-based model

Fig 3

Proportion of predicted outbreaks in which > 1 dog was infected, and the number of infected dogs, outbreak duration and effective reproductive ratio in the first month following incursion, in a simulation model of rabies spread in networks of dog populations based on the empirical social networks of dogs in island communities in the Torres Strait, Australia.

Simulations test the influence of inclusion of parameters associated with rabies-induced behavioural change (increased bite probability [associated with the furious form], increased spatio-temporal association [edge-weight; dumb form], wandering [‘re-wiring’; furious form]). Circle = Kubin, triangle = Saibai, square = Warraber. ST = spatio-temporal association. Grey lines = 95% range.

Fig 3
