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Sampling strategies for monitoring and evaluation of morbidity targets for soil-transmitted helminths

Fig 3

Model-predicted distribution of prevalence of STH infection at the district level in SAC in 2020.

The stacked histogram is used to distinguish between districts that have met the morbidity target in 2020 (turquoise) and those that have not (red). Meeting the morbidity target refers to reaching <1% moderate-to-heavy infections in SAC. The dashed line at 1% represents the recommended prevalence threshold of any infection among SAC required to stop PC. The numbers in grey in each panel represent the overall probability of meeting the target (i.e. the proportion in turquoise). Prevalence is assumed to be measured in all SAC living in each randomly generated district with mean baseline prevalence ranging from 20 to 40%. Only school-based PC are shown as community-based PC always resulted in meeting the morbidity target. S2 Fig provides additional plots stratified by the average pre-control prevalence in a district (20%-30% vs. 30%-40%).

Fig 3
