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SmSP2: A serine protease secreted by the blood fluke pathogen Schistosoma mansoni with anti-hemostatic properties

Fig 7

SmSP2 immunolocalization in sections of adult S. mansoni.

Semi-thin sections of adult S. mansoni males (A to C) and females (D to F) were probed with an anti-SmSP2 IgG followed by reaction with an anti-rabbit Alexa 647-labeled secondary antibody (red). DAPI was used to label nuclear DNA (blue). The left columns show merged fluorescent channels; in the right columns, the signal is merged with differential interference contrast. A strong SmSP2 signal (red) was detected in both sexes in the parenchyma (p) and the esophageal region (er). A faint signal was noted in the ventral (vs) and oral suckers (os). No signal was detected in the gut (asterisks), muscle (mu) or tegumental tubercles (tu). In males, SmSP2 signal also appears in the tegument (arrowhead) in the tegumental membrane surface (arrow) and in the testes (te). In females, the signal is noted in the ovaries (ov) and vitellaria (vit). The scale bar represents 100 μm. A and D, reproductive organs; B and E, tegumental cells; C and F, head.

Fig 7
