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Pentoxifylline Reverses Chronic Experimental Chagasic Cardiomyopathy in Association with Repositioning of Abnormal CD8+ T-Cell Response

Fig 3

PTX modulated the expression of molecules involved in cell migration and reduced heart inflammation.

(A) Frequency of CCR5+LFA-1+ cells among CD8+ T-cells in spleen. (B) Quantification of the ICAM-1+ area (%) detected by immunohistochemistry in the heart tissue. (C) Illustrative pictures of immunohistochemistry staining for detection of ICAM-1 in the heart tissue and blood vessels at 150 dpi. (D) Summary of quantitative data of immunohistochemistry staining for inflammatory cells in the heart tissue. The results represent three to five mice per experimental group. *** p<0.001, saline-injected T. cruzi-infected mice compared with noninfected (NI) controls. # p<0.05 and ## p<0.01, saline-injected compared with PTX-treated T. cruzi-infected mice.

Fig 3
