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Combined analyses of RNA-sequence and Hi-C along with GWAS loci—A novel approach to dissect keloid disorder genetic mechanism

Fig 2

Keloid lesion gross appearance and enriched KEGG pathways and WGCNA (weighted gene co-expression network analysis) identified modules.

(A) Gross appearance of three selected keloid lesion samples. (B) Identification of the differentially expressed signalling pathways between keloid lesions and adjacent normal skins by KEGG enrichment of DERNAs (mRNA, miRNA and lncRNA-targeted mRNA). (C) Seven gene co-expression modules represented by 7 different colors were detected by WGCNA analysis of the paired DEG and DElncRNA and the modules of blue, red and turquoise showed most significantly differentially expressed between keloid lesions and adjacent normal skin samples.

Fig 2
