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Patterns of recent natural selection on genetic loci associated with sexually differentiated human body size and shape phenotypes

Fig 2

Co-localization of SexDiff-associated SNPs and loci with known roles in sexual differentiation.

(A) For each t-SexDiff FDR threshold, we computed the proportion of the number of genes in the “Sexual Differentiation” Gene Ontology category (GO:0007548) to the number of all Gene Ontology genes with at least one co-localized SexDiff-associated SNP (+/- 10,000 base pairs). We also computed the same proportion for the set of SNPs significant associated with our studied phenotypes in general but not with sexual differentiation. Values shown are ratios of these two proportions at each t-SexDiff FDR threshold. The green line indicates the 1:1 ratio that would be expected in the absence of any disproportionate co-localization between SexDiff-associated SNPs and GO:00007548 genes. (B) Permutation analysis of the number of genes involved in sexual differentiation co-localized with at least one SexDiff-associated SNPs at our most stringent FDR threshold (q<0.001). From the set of 2,570 total GO-classified genes that were co-localized with at least one phenotype-associated SNP, we randomly selected 162 genes, the number of total genes that were co-localized with one or more SexDiff-associated SNPs at the FDR<0.001 cutoff. Of these 162 genes, we counted and recorded the number of GO:0007548 genes represented. We repeated this process 10,000 times and computed an empirical P-value (P = 0.0041) as the proportion of permutations with a greater than or equal number of GO:0007548 genes as the observed value for FDR<0.001 SexDiff-associated SNPs (9 genes). Results for similar analyses based on SexDiff FDR thresholds 0.005, 0.01, and 0.05 are shown in S1 Fig. (C) Manhattan plot depicting the -log10 values for the t-SexDiff statistic for a curated set of LD-pruned SexDiff and phenotype-associated SNPs. Specifically, we selected a maximum of one SNP with the lowest t-SexDiff P-value across any of the five studied phenotypes from each of 1,703 approximately LD-independent blocks of the human genome. Yellow dots indicate SexDiff-associated SNPs at an FDR of 0.001 (for at least one of the five traits), and pink dots indicate phenotype-associated SNPs that did not cross the FDR = 0.001 threshold for any trait. SNPs outlined in black are also significantly associated with the sex hormone binding globulin levels as annotated in the GWAS catalog. (D) From the curated set of 693 total LD-pruned SexDiff and phenotype-associated SNPs, we randomly selected 117 SNPs (the number of pruned SexDiff-associated SNPs) and counted how many were also associated with sex hormone globulin blinding levels. We repeated this process 10,000 times and computed an empirical P-value of P = 0.0626.

Fig 2
