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A dynamic, ring-forming MucB / RseB-like protein influences spore shape in Bacillus subtilis

Fig 6

Forespore shape in spoVM and spoIVA mutants.

(A) Forespore morphology of wild-type (WT, bBK15), ΔspoIVA (bJL43) and ΔspoVM (bJL39) strains at 4.5 h after onset of sporulation (T4.5). Forespore cytoplasm was visualised using a forespore reporter (PspoIIQ-cfp, false-coloured cyan in merged images). Cell membranes were visualised with TMA-DPH fluorescent membrane dye and are false-coloured red in merged images. Scale bar = 2 μm. (B) Average forespore aspect ratio (±STDEVP) of wild-type (WT, bBK15, blue), ΔspoIVA (bJL43, green) and ΔspoVM (bJL39, yellow) strains during a sporulation time-course. n > 200 per time-point, per strain. (C) Frequency distribution histogram of forespore aspect ratio of wild-type (WT, bBK15, blue), ΔspoIVA (bJL43, green) and ΔspoVM (bJL39, yellow) strains at T5, n>700.

Fig 6
