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TENET 2.0: Identification of key transcriptional regulators and enhancers in lung adenocarcinoma

Fig 4

Interaction of key transcriptional regulators activated in LUAD (A) Interaction map of the top 101 transcriptional regulators and the 3,682 total unique hypomethylated probes linked to those genes. CENPA, FOXM1, and MYBL2 show strong overlap in linked probes (red box). (B) Heatmap of pairwise expression correlation values between each of the top 101 transcriptional regulators. FOXM1, CENPA, and MYBL2 show a high degree of correlation with each other (r2>0.7), but TCF24 (one of the top 4 most highly linked TRs; Fig 3B) does not (r2<0.1).

Fig 4
