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AXR1 affects DNA methylation independently of its role in regulating meiotic crossover localization

Fig 1

Characterization of the number and the localization of meiotic crossovers.

A: number of COs per plants in wild type and axr1-/-. Box plots with 1 and 99 percentile (number of wild-type plants = 173; number of axr1-/- plants = 353) B: CO rates during male meiosis along the five chromosomes. Intervals with significantly different CO rates between wild type (blue curve) and axr1-/- (red curve) are indicated with black stars (multiple t tests with the procedure Benjamini, Krieger and Yekutieli with Q = 1%). Arrows on the x-axis of chromosome 3 and chromosome 4 indicate the localization of the BACs chosen for FISH analysis. Grey boxes on chromosome 1 indicate the intervals used to compare the difference in genetic length between wild type and axr1-/-. Black squares on the X axes: centromere position. Error bars: 95 % confidence intervals (CI). C: CO rates from centromeres to telomeres. The x-axis is the relative distance from the telomeres. The curves were obtained by interpolating a non-linear regression analysis using Prism and Graphad Software. Blue squares and blue line: wild type. Red circles and red line: axr1-/- D: distances between two COs on the same chromatid. Distances are expressed in percentage of chromosome length. Chromatids with two and only two COs were selected. n = 181 in wild type; n = 336 in axr1-/-.

Fig 1
