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SUR-8 interacts with PP1-87B to stabilize PERIOD and regulate circadian rhythms in Drosophila

Fig 3

Sur-8 knockdown disrupts the molecular clock.

Brains dissected at the indicated time on day 4 under LD were stained with PDF and one of the clock protein antibodies. Brains were scanned under confocal microscopy and at least 9 brains from each group were quantified using imageJ. a-c Representative images of sLNvs immunostained for PDF and PER a; PDF and CLK b; PDF and TIM c. PDF staining is used to label sLNvs. Fly brains were dissected at ZT0 for PER, ZT4 for CLK, ZT0 for TIM, respectively. Quantifications of intensities are shown on the right of corresponding staining. Error bars indicate SEM. ***P < 0.001, ns = non-significant, unpaired t-test. d Representative images of sLNvs for TIM (red) and PDF (green) double-staining from late night to early morning to monitor TIM nuclear entry. PDF staining was used as cytoplasm marker of sLNvs. N/C ratio of the y axis of the graph represents TIM levels in nuclear versus cytoplasm. Dotted line in the graph indicates equal TIM amounts in nucleus and cytoplasm.

Fig 3
