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Functional divergence of a global regulatory complex governing fungal filamentation

Fig 8

Evolution of filament-capable mfg1Δ/mfg1Δ mutants with FLO8 at a non-native locus is not accompanied by chromosome 6 triplication.

A) An mfg1Δ/mfg1Δ mutant with FLO8 located on chromosome 5 (at the HIS1 locus) and expressing the NAT (nourseothricin) resistance marker under the control of the HWP1 promoter evolved the ability to filament upon selection on NAT and serum. Mutants Evo #C1-1 and Evo #C1-2 arose from the same overnight culture but showed distinct phenotypes in their ability to filament at later time points. Mutants Evo #C1, C2, C3, and C4 are all independently generated. Cells were grown in YPD at 30°C or in YPD with 10% serum at 37°C for 6 hours. Scale bar is 20 μm. B) The genomes of five evolved filamentous mutants in the mfg1Δ/mfg1Δ background were sequenced and profiled for copy number variants using YMAP.

Fig 8
