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Single-strand annealing between inverted DNA repeats: Pathway choice, participating proteins, and genome destabilizing consequences

Fig 5

Formation of ID and FB structures in strains with 100-bp and 500-bp spacer between IRs.

(A) The structures of AvrII restriction fragments of Chr III (OF) in IR-100 strain (2-kb IR separated by 100-bp spacer) and its derivatives following DSB: CF, ID, FB. (B) Southern blot analysis of DSB repair in wt, rad1Δ, sae2Δ and rad1Δsae2Δ derivatives of IR-100 following hybridization to probe P-1 (depicted by black box in Fig 5A) (C) The schematics of AvrII digest of Chr III (OF) in IR-500 strain (2-kb IR separated by 500-bp spacer) and its derivatives following DSB: CF, ID, FB. (D) Southern blot analysis of DSB repair in wt, rad1Δ, sae2Δ and rad1Δsae2Δ derivatives of IR-500 strain following hybridization to probe P-1. The median efficiencies of FB formation (%) and the range of the median [in brackets] are indicated (see S1 Fig and Materials and Methods for details).

Fig 5
