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Histone depletion prevents telomere fusions in pre-senescent cells

Fig 2

Histone depletion does not affect bulk telomere length in mec1Δ tel1Δ cells.

(A) Schematic structure of yeast telomeres. The position of the Y′ and TG1-3 probes used in (B) is shown. (B) Telomere length of the strains analyzed in Fig 1E (S1, pre-senescent cells; S4, senescent cells; S7 and S10, surviving cells) as determined by Southern blot of the DNA samples used for T-TFs with either a telomere-proximal Y′ (top gel) or a TG1-3 (bottom gel) probe. Subpopulations of long telomeres and X-only telomeres are indicated with asterisks and arrows, respectively.

Fig 2
