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Variation in Rural African Gut Microbiota Is Strongly Correlated with Colonization by Entamoeba and Subsistence

Fig 2

Relationship between the presence of Entamoeba (Ent- or Ent+) and fecal microbiome composition.

(a) Multidimensional Scaling plot of unweighted UniFrac distances colored by Entamoeba presence or absence. The first two principal components (PC1 and PC2 are shown). (b) Summary of the relative abundance of taxa (> = 0.1% in at least 4 individuals) for Ent- and Ent+ individuals color coded by phylum (Actinobacteria (Act.) = red, Bacteroidetes (Bact.) = green, Cyanobacteria (Cyan.) = black, Elusimicrobia (Elus.) = gold, Firmicutes (Firm.) = blue, Fusobacteria (Fus.) = pink, Lentisphaerae (Lent.) = yellow, Proteobacteria (Prot.) = purple, Spirochaetes (Spir.) = orange, and Tenericutes (Ten.) = gray). The number of individuals (N) in each population is indicated below the bars. (c) Normalized relative abundance of four taxa significantly associated with Entamoeba presence/absence in an ANOVA as well as in the random forest classifier model (q < 0.05).

Fig 2
