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JAK/STAT and Hox Dynamic Interactions in an Organogenetic Gene Cascade

Fig 1

Component modules of the crb518 posterior spiracle minimal enhancer.

(A) Constructs designed to analyse the crb518 CRM (S and asterisks indicate the position of STAT92E binding sites). (B) crb518-lacZ reporter expression. (C) The crb313-lacZ reporter with the 1–204 bp region deleted loses posterior spiracle expression. (D) The crb101-lacZ reporter containing the STAT92E binding sites is unable to direct expression to the posterior spiracles. (E) The crb305-lacZ reporter is able to direct expression to the posterior spiracle and its expression is downregulated in embryos mutant for the Unpaired JAK/STAT ligands (F). (G) The crb204-lacZ reporter lacking the STAT92E binding sites is able to direct expression in the posterior spiracles and still requires JAK/STAT function as in unpaired null mutants its activity in the posterior spiracles is abolished (H). Arrowheads: posterior spiracle primordium.

Fig 1
