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A Genetic Strategy for Probing the Functional Diversity of Magnetosome Formation

Figure 10

A) Models for how potassium effects magnetosome formation.

Kup (purple rectangle) may transport potassium into the cell through the inner membrane (left) or out of the magnetosome through a hypothetical magnetosome membrane (right). In the former case, potassium would be beneficial to magnetosome formation, and the magnetite crystal may be built inside or outside a membrane. In the latter case potassium would inhibit magnetosome formation that occurs within a magnetosome membrane. B) Proposed model for magnetosome synthesis in RS-1. The α-proteobacteria MSR-1 and AMB-1 produce many crystals at once as each preexisting magnetosome membrane represents a potential site of synthesis. In AMB-1 these membranes are linearly arranged invaginations of the inner membrane [18]. In MSR-1 these membranes are vesicles that become linearly arranged with the guidance of the magnetic fields of the growing crystals [42]. In RS-1 we suggest that magnetite crystals are produced one at a time from a single magnetosome factory that is associated with the membrane (yellow rectangle).

Figure 10
