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The Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Critically Regulates Endometrial Function during Early Pregnancy

Figure 6

Decidual microarrays reveal BMP2 and WNT as EGFR mediators.

(A) Venn diagram comparing gene expression signatures from Egfr, Bmp2 and Wnt4 conditional knockout day 1 decidual uteri. (B–F) Quantitative real-time PCR validation of microarray results using independent samples, normalized to control expression. (B) Validation of genes altered in the absence of Egfr. (C) Validation of genes with reduced expression and (D) elevated expression in Wnt4 uteri. (E) Validation of genes with reduced expression and (F) elevated expression in the absence of Bmp2. (G) Model depicting which cellular processes and gene ontologies are deregulated in the respective mouse models as determined by DAVID analysis.

Figure 6
