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Serine Carboxypeptidase SCPEP1 and Cathepsin A Play Complementary Roles in Regulation of Vasoconstriction via Inactivation of Endothelin-1

Figure 2

Mice with combined CathA/Scpep1 deficiency show significantly higher values of SBP.

Blood pressure was recorded continuously during day (A and C) and night (B and D) 12-h periods in 16 week-old WT, Scpep1−/−, CathAS190A and DD male mice. Arrows indicate commencement of high salt diet. Two-way repeated measurements ANOVA was used to test differences between the mouse groups: significant differences between the mean BP values in Bonferroni post-test (* p<0.05, ** p<0.001, *** p<0.0001) are shown in the insert. N-value for each genotype is as follows: WT n = 5, DD n = 6, CathAS190A n = 6, Scpep1−/− n = 7.

Figure 2
