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A Critical Role for PDGFRα Signaling in Medial Nasal Process Development

Figure 1

Tissue specific inactivation of PDGFRα from NCCs causes facial clefting and absence of MNP derived structures.

(A, B) Frontal view of PDGFRαfl/+; Wnt1Cre (A) and PDGFRαfl/fl; Wnt1Cre embryo (B) at E11.5. An obvious gap was observed between MNPs in PDGFRαfl/fl; Wnt1Cre embryo (arrow in B). (C, D) Ventral view of PDGFRαfl/+; Wnt1Cre (C) and PDGFRαfl/fl; Wnt1Cre embryo (D) at E13.5. The PDGFRαfl/fl; Wnt1Cre embryo shows cleft lip and lacks of philtrum and primary palate (asterisk in D). The mandible has been removed for visualization. (E, F) Histological coronal sections of PDGFRαfl/+; Wnt1Cre (E) and PDGFRαfl/fl; Wnt1Cre embryo (F) at E13.5. PDGFRαfl/fl; Wnt1Cre embryo shows a cleft of the nasal septum and lacks the primary palate (asterisk in F). (G, H) Ventral view of skeletal preparation of PDGFRαfl/+; Wnt1Cre (G) and PDGFRαfl/fl; Wnt1Cre embryo (H) at E18.5. Note the shortening and clefting of the nasal cartilage in the PDGFRαfl/fl; Wnt1Cre embryo. Asterisks refer to defective bones or cartilages. Als, alisphenoid; bs, basisphenoid; LNP, lateral nasal process; MNP, medial nasal process; nc, nasal cartilage; NS, nasal septum; P, philtrum; pl, palatine; pmx, premaxilla; PP, primary palate; PS, palatal shelf; ptg, pterygoid.

Figure 1
