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Mediator Directs Co-transcriptional Heterochromatin Assembly by RNA Interference-Dependent and -Independent Pathways

Figure 3

Med18/Mediator is required for Rrp6/Exosome-dependent H3K9 methylation at the pericentromere.

(A) Silencing assay at the pericentromere. Shown are the results of serial dilutions of the indicated strains spotted onto N/S, 5-FOA and Low Ade media to assay ura4+ and ade6 expression. (B) ChIP analysis of H3K9me (left panel) and Swi6 (right panel) at dh repeats or imr1L::ura4+ relative to act1 or a tRNA genes (trnaasn.05), respectively. Error bars show the standard error of the mean (n = 3). (C) ChIP analysis of H3K9me (left panel) and Swi6 (right panel) at the dh repeats relative to act1 or a gene-free region, respectively. Error bars show the standard error of the mean (n = 3). (D) ChIP analysis of Rrp6-13myc at dh repeats (left panel), act1 (middle panel) and fbp1 (right panel). Enrichment relative to the input whole cell extract (WCE) in the indicated strains are shown. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean (n = 3).

Figure 3
