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The Genetic Architecture of Adaptations to High Altitude in Ethiopia

Figure 2

Hemoglobin association test within Amhara.

The QQplot represents the excess of strong association with Hb among Amhara individuals (A). The observed −log10 p-value distribution is ranked from smallest to largest and plotted (y-axis) against the expected −log10 p-value (y-axis) in black. The grey area indicates the 95% confidence interval (see methods). Genome-wide (GW) significance level (after multiple test correction) is indicated by the dashed line. The Manhattan plot (B) shows the GW significance achieved by a set of high-LD SNPs in chromosome 1. The box plots describe the correlation between hemoglobin levels and the 3 genotypes of the top and GW significant SNP (rs10803083) among high (C) and low altitude (D) Amhara.

Figure 2
