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The Dynamics and Prognostic Potential of DNA Methylation Changes at Stem Cell Gene Loci in Women's Cancer

Figure 2

Differential dynamics of hypermethylated and hypomethylated PCGTs and MESCs.

Bar charts representing percentages of significantly hypermethylated (blue) and hypomethylated (orange) PCGT and MESC CpGs in (A) each stage of cervical carcinogenesis: Cervix ‘Before Dysplasia’, ‘Dysplasia’, and ‘Invasive Cancer’, all relative to normal cervical cells or tissue; and in (B) ‘Breast CA’, ‘Endo CA’, ‘Colon CA’, and ‘Lung CA’, all relative to their respective normal controls. The significance of the binomial test assessing skew of hypermethylated versus hypomethylated is indicated by ‘*’, ‘**’, and ‘***’ for P-value<0.05, 0.01, and 0.001 respectively. (C) and (D) are the scatterplots of the age-adjusted linear regression t-statistics against their corresponding −log10(P-values) testing the association with the normal and lung cancer fibroblasts on the colon-PMD PCGTs and colon-PMD MESCs respectively.

Figure 2
