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Mechanisms of Chromosome Number Evolution in Yeast

Figure 2

Cartoon showing the rearrangements indicated by lowercase letters in Figure 1.

Monocolored chromosomes belong to the WGD Ancestor. Chromosomes in gray boxes are extant L. kluyveri chromosomes. Events encircled by a color correspond to events on branches of the same color in Figure 1. Black crossed lines between chromosomes represent points of interchromosomal translocations, and square brackets along chromosomes (events c, f and h) represent inversions. Arrows point to the products resulting from each rearrangement. The rearrangement for event o (marked with two asterisks) is not shown as it involves a reciprocal translocation located one gene from the edge of the Ancestral inference, which essentially swaps the telomeres of Anc3 and Anc8 at the ends of Lklu3 and Lklu4.

Figure 2
