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Dual Roles for DNA Polymerase Theta in Alternative End-Joining Repair of Double-Strand Breaks in Drosophila

Figure 2

Drosophila pol θ is required for repair of IR–induced damage in the absence of Rad51.

(A) mus308 mutants are not sensitive to ionizing radiation. Female flies heterozygous for the indicated mus308 alleles were mated to Df(3R)Sz29/TM3 males and third instar larval progeny were irradiated with increasing doses of IR. The percent survival of mus308 hemizygous mutants was calculated relative to an unirradiated control. Each dose was repeated twice; the average of the two experiments is shown. (B) spn-A mus308 double mutants are extremely sensitive to ionizing radiation. Heterozygous spn-A057mus308D5 females were mated to heterozygous spn-A093mus308D5 males and third instar larval progeny were irradiated with increasing doses of IR. The percent survival of spn-A mus308 compound heterozygotes was calculated relative to an unirradiated control. Each dose was repeated at least twice. Error bars represent standard deviations.

Figure 2
