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Assessing the Impact of Transgenerational Epigenetic Variation on Complex Traits

Figure 7

Southern blot analysis of TE mobilization.

(A,B) Southern blot analysis of two TE families (MULE and CACTA, respectively) in three individuals of each parental line (Col-wt and Col-ddm1), as well as in four early- and four late-flowering Col-wt epiRILs (F9). Genomic DNA was digested using HindIII and hybridized after gel electrophoresis and transfer to a nylon membrane using previously described probes [19],[20]. Question marks indicate possible new insertion sites for MULE. For CACTA, white and black stars designate excision events and new insertions, respectively. The five CACTA copies present in wt Columbia [42] are indicated on the right.

Figure 7
