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Microdissection of Shoot Meristem Functional Domains

Figure 1

Domains in the maize SAM.

(A) Toluidine blue O stained image of the maize seedling shoot apex showing the SAM surrounded by older leaf leaf primordia (leaf) and a newly-initiated leaf (P1). SAM histological zonation (CZ and PZ) and layering (L1 marked with arrow) are noted. (B) KNOX immunolocalization of the maize shoot apex. KNOX proteins (blue) accumulate in nuclei of the SAM and stem, but are excluded from the initiating P0/P1 leaf primordium (arrow) and older leaf primordia. (C–D) Micrograph of the maize shoot apex (C), and the SAM-proper and P0/P1 domains (outlined in D) captured by laser microdissection. Relative tissue areas comprising each domain are indicated in the white rectangles.

Figure 1
