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Deletion of the Pluripotency-Associated Tex19.1 Gene Causes Activation of Endogenous Retroviruses and Defective Spermatogenesis in Mice

Figure 2

Generation of Tex19.1−/− knockout mice.

(A) Schematic view of the Tex19.1 knockout strategy. The Tex19.1 gene in the wild-type (wt) allele is replaced by a neomycin box in the knockout (ko) allele; black borders delineate the short and long arms upstream and downstream of the gene. Location of probe for Southern blot (SP), BamHI sites and lengths of restriction fragments are indicated for both alleles. (B) Southern blot of wild type E14 embryonic stem cell genomic DNA (+/+) and a successfully targeted clone (+/−). (C) Genotyping of a wild type, a heterozygous and a homozygous animal from the Tex19.1 knockout line by multiplex PCR. (D) RT-PCR from testes of wild type and knockout animals. Tex19.1 transcript can be detected in wild type but not in knockout testes. Gapdh transcript can be seen in both. (E) Western blot on protein extracts from the testes of heterozygous and knockout animals: Tex19.1 is detected in heterozygous but not in knockout testes. Gapdh is shown as a loading control.

Figure 2
