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The Interplay of RecA-related Proteins and the MND1–HOP2 Complex during Meiosis in Arabidopsis thaliana

Figure 1

Putative Model of the Strand Invasion Step of Meiotic Recombination

The diagram represents a model of the strand invasion step during meiotic recombination. Several key players are represented with their putative functional interactions (arrows). DMC1 may assemble on one of the single-stranded DNA strands after processing of a DSB, whereas RAD51 may assemble on the other accessible single strand. In this model, the DMC1 nucleoprotein filament invades the homologous chromosome, being assisted by the MND1/HOP2 complex. RAD51 may also be stimulated by the HOP2/MND1 complex (dashed arrow) in the strand exchange processes. XRCC3 seems to be involved at this step but its role and interactions remain unclear [3,13,69].

Figure 1
