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A Screen for Suppressors of Gross Chromosomal Rearrangements Identifies a Conserved Role for PLP in Preventing DNA Lesions

Figure 2

A Genome-Wide Screen Identifies BUD16 as a Key Determinant for Genome Stability in S. cerevisiae

(A) GCR rates at ChrXV-L of the indicated strains. The data is presented as the fold-increase over the wild-type GCR rate +/− strandard error of the mean. Asterisk refers to genes with high GCR rates that were not identified in the screen, but were measured during the course of this study.

(B) A plasmid encoding BUD16 suppresses the high GCR rate of bud16Δ.

(C) PFGE analysis of ChrXV-L terminal restriction fragments following PmeI digestion of genomic DNA isolated from either the wild-type (W), parent bud16Δ strains (B), or bud16Δ strains that have undergone a GCR event (1–8). Asterisk indicates incomplete digestion products of ChrXV.

(D) The bud16Δ mutation is synthetic lethal with the deletions of SNO1 and SNZ1.

Figure 2
