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Using mobility data in the design of optimal lockdown strategies for the COVID-19 pandemic

Fig 1

Flow diagram of the data-driven approach for the synthesis of optimal lockdown policies.

The initial step consists of a policy maker defining a performance measure based on sanitary and economic objectives, and a modeller selecting a consistent generic epidemiological model. Then, public healthcare/mobility data is used in conjunction with Approximate Bayesian Computation to calibrate the dynamical model and determine the degree of uncertainty in the model parameters. This assists the formulation of an optimal control problem where the original sanitary + economic performance measure is optimized constrained to the calibrated epidemiological model. An optimal lockdown policy is then computed via global optimization techniques, and the final output is an optimal lockdown policy. The optimised lockdown is then applied and its real-time effects can be sensed through public data, which fed back into the learning and optimization framework for re-computation and update.

Fig 1
