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Growth rules for the repair of Asynchronous Irregular neuronal networks after peripheral lesions

Fig 9

Inhibitory projections to excitatory neurons in the peri-LPZ.

(A) shows incoming inhibitory projections to a randomly chosen neuron in the peri-LPZ at different stages of our simulations. From left to right: t = 2000 s, t = 4000 s, and t = 18,000 s. (B) shows the total numbers of incoming excitatory projections to neurons in the peri-LPZ from different regions at different points in time. (C) shows the mean weight of projections received by neurons in the peri-LPZ from different regions at different points in time. In contrast to neurons in the LPZ, neurons outside the LPZ experience an increase in activity in our simulations. As a result of our growth rules, these neurons gain inhibitory inputs.

Fig 9
