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Neural modelling of the encoding of fast frequency modulation

Fig 8

Experimental fit in relation to the FM-feedback spectral model parametrisation.

Heatmaps show the explained variance of the experimental data R2. Unless stated otherwise, parameters not varied in the matrices correspond to the values listed in Table 1. The two leftmost plots show the dependence of R2 with the conductivity of the feedback connections and the dynamics of the excitatory population time constants. Different values of the nominal population’s time constant were used to illustrate that the dynamic effect (rather than the resulting shorter time constant) is crucial to explain the experimental results; however, during the parameter tuning the temporal constant was constrained to τmemb = 20 ms based on physiological observations [44]. The rightmost plot shows the dependence of R2 on the width and reach (wωs and Δωs, respectively; see Methods) of the feedback connections. Black crosses in the parameter space signal the final parametrisation.

Fig 8
