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Assessing criticality in pre-seizure single-neuron activity of human epileptic cortex

Fig 2

No consistent change in the distance to criticality before seizure onset.

a Time-resolved estimation of for the full MTL within the last 10 min prior to seizure onset showed variability, but no consistent behavior during the last minutes before seizure onset. Plots show example traces of multiple seizures from one patient. Each trace corresponds to one pre-seizure period, shown both for the ipsilateral and the contralateral hemisphere. Traces of all patients and seizures shown in S6 Fig. b No significant difference in the distance to criticality between the last 5 min prior to seizure onset and the previous 5 min—neither in the MTL containing the epileptic focus, nor in the contralateral one (p-values of Wilcoxon signed rank test). c Separate analysis of the individual subregions of MTL. Within none of the subregions there were significant differences between the last 5 min before seizure onset and the previous 5 min. Box plots in c show results from the hemisphere containing the epileptic focus. d Variability of the time-resolved branching parameter in the last 5 min prior to seizure onset and the previous 5 min. Variability is quantified using the median absolute deviation from the median logarithmic distance to criticality (p-values of Wilcoxon signed rank test).

Fig 2
