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Representation of foreseeable choice outcomes in orbitofrontal cortex triplet-wise interactions

Fig 6

Negative triplet-wise correlations accompany the unsuccessful decoding of correct choices for unpredictable stimuli.

(A) Negative correlations among triplets of units after correct (unpredictable, left) and after incorrect (predictable, right) trial choice outcomes, averaged across all ensembles used in Fig 5. Correct choices are shown in blue, incorrect choices in black; shaded areas are SD. Insets show the average through the entire trial duration. Magenta filling is used through the figure to indicate negative correlations. (B) Averages for the periods of interest defined in Fig 1A: trial initiation (left), stimulus offset (central) and choice (right). (C) Total fraction of positive and negative correlations for all ensembles and trials after correct (unpredictable, left) and after incorrect (predictable, right) trial choice outcomes. The center panel show the averaged correlation only for correct choices. ** p < 0.001, *** p < 0.0001; test details in the main text. See Fig 7 for partial triplet-wise correlations and S4 Fig for pairwise correlations. See also S5 Fig for a complementary index.

Fig 6
