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The effect of inhibition on rate code efficiency indicators

Fig 4

The effect of inhibition on metabolically efficient information transfer.

(A) Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR, Eq (25)) of the RS neuron’s response as a function of the mean post-synaptic firing rate r(x) (Eq 26). Higher inhibition leads to a higher SNR, however, also to a lower coding range. The coding range for B = 0.2 is visualized in the plot. (B) The SNR at 10 Hz at different inhibition levels for all four neurons. The effect of the decreased membrane potential fluctuations on the FS and CH neurons is negligible, as opposed to the RS and IB neurons. (C) Decrease of the coding range with inhibition. (D) The metabolic efficiency in bits per spike (Eq (18)). The initial increase in the efficiency is almost negligible, however, the drop for B = 1 caused by the narrow coding range is apparent. The time window used for this figure is Δ = 500 ms.

Fig 4
