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Modeling driver cells in developing neuronal networks

Fig 5

Model—PBs frequency is tuned by current stimulation of driver cells.

The plots report the number of PBs emitted during SNS of the hub neurons eh1, eh2, eh3, eh4, ih1, ih2 (a-f) as well as of the driver LC cells il1,el1,el2,el3, el4, el7 (g-l) for a wide range of the stimulation current Istim (over a time interval Δt = 84 s). The blue vertical dashed lines, resp. the horizontal magenta solid line, refer to the value of the intrinsic excitability, resp. to the bursting activity, when the network is in control condition. The threshold value of the current is set to Vth = 15 mV.

Fig 5
