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Profiling cellular morphodynamics by spatiotemporal spectrum decomposition

Fig 2

Conservation of frequency distribution among a population of spontaneously protruding Cos7 cells.

(a) Snapshots of active and quiescent Cos7 cell protrusion for 30 min with an increment of 6 min, scale bar = 20μm (see also Video 1 and 3). (b) Histograms of instantaneous frequency distribution for active vs quiescent Cos7 cell. (c) Exponential decrease of instantaneous frequency distributions captured by IMF1-6 for active and quiescent Cos7 cell. Each curve corresponds to the central frequencies of six IMFs computed from a specific sector. The error bar of each IMF indicates the standard error of the instantaneous frequency distribution over all sectors. (d) Cumulative distribution function (CDF) comparison of instantaneous frequency distributions for IMF1 and IMF2 between an active and a quiescent Cos7 cell. P-value is calculated by Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K-S) test. (e) CDF comparison of instantaneous amplitude distribution for IMF1 and IMF2 between an active and a quiescent Cos7 cell. P-value is calculated by K-S test. (f) Heatmaps of KS-statistics for instantaneous frequency distributions among 48 spontaneously protruding Cos7 cells. The sequence of cells is defined in randomized (left) and ascending order (right) of the mean absolute velocity over all cell edge sectors and time points. (g) Heatmaps of KS-statistics for instantaneous amplitude distributions among 48 spontaneously protruding Cos7 cells. The sequences of cells are defined in the same orders as in panel (f).

Fig 2
