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Bayesian comparison of explicit and implicit causal inference strategies in multisensory heading perception

Fig 3

Explicit causal inference.

Results of the explicit causal inference (unity judgment) task. A: Proportion of ‘unity’ responses, as a function of stimulus disparity (difference between vestibular and visual heading direction), and for different levels of visual cue reliability. Bars are ±1 SEM across subjects. Unity judgments are modulated by stimulus disparity and visual cue reliability. B: Protected exceedance probability and estimated posterior frequency (mean ± SD) of distinct model components for each model factor. Each factor also displays the Bayesian omnibus risk (BOR). C: Model fits of several models of interest (see text for details). Shaded areas are ±1 SEM of model predictions across subjects. Numbers on top right of each panel report the absolute goodness of fit.

Fig 3
