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Effect of Regulatory Architecture on Broad versus Narrow Sense Heritability

Figure 4

The empirical cumulative distribution function of VA/VG ratios for phenotypes of the circadian model (A) and the action potential model (B).

The empirical cumulative distribution functions (y axis) of VA/VG ratios (x axis) for phenotypes studied in the circadian model and the heart cell model. A. The upper-left panel (Bmal1) shows phenotypes related to bmal1 gene, including the mRNA (MB), the unphosphorylated/phosphorylated protein in cytosol (BC/BCP) and nucleus (BN/BNP). The bottom-right panel (Per) is for per gene, including the mRNA (MP), the unphosphorylated protein (PC) and the phosphorylated protein (PCP). The bottom concentration (solid line) and the time take to peak (dashed line) of each species are recorded phenotypes. The bottom-left panel (Cry) is related to cry gene, including the mRNA (MC), the unphosphorylated protein (CC) and phosphorylated protein (CCP). The upper-right panel (Complex) is for protein complexes PCC, PCN, PCCP and PCNP. The period of circadian rhythm (Period, dotted line) is also shown. See Table S9 for further phenotype descriptions and numerical summaries of the distribution of VA/VG ratios. B. The empirical cumulative distribution functions (y axis) of VA/VG ratios (x axis) for phenotypes studied in the action potential model: time to 25%, 50%, 75% and 90% of initial values, the amplitude, initial values (Base), peak values, time to reach peak values of action potential (left panel) and calcium transient (right panel) are shown. See Table S10 for further phenotype descriptions and numerical summaries of the distribution of VA/VG ratios.

Figure 4
