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The Rates of Protein Synthesis and Degradation Account for the Differential Response of Neurons to Spaced and Massed Training Protocols

Figure 8

Fitting complete model to PKC translocation measured during no pharmacological interventions.

A, PKC Apl II translocation in response to 5×5 min application of 5HT with 15 min washes in between (bars) and modeling output (line). B, Top panel represents S dynamics in response to experimental protocol from A. Black line represents the ratio of SOFF and SON to total S, red line the ratio of SIN2 to total S, green line represents the ratio of SAD and SADON to total S, and blue line represents the ratio of SAD and SADON to total S. Middle panel is the amount of AD over time and the bottom panel is the amount of D over time. C, PKC Apl II translocation in response to a 90 min application of 5HT (bars) and modeling output (line). D, Top panel represents S dynamics in response to experimental protocol from G, with line colours identical to in B. Middle panel represents the amount of AD over time and the bottom panel the amount of D over time. E, PKC Apl II translocation in response to 2×5 min applications of 5HT with varying wash periods in between (black line) and modeling output (red line).

Figure 8
