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Host genotype controls ecological change in the leaf fungal microbiome

Fig 5

Network analysis of core OTUs.

(A) Covariance networks of core OTUs over time. Nodes are colored by each OTU’s relative abundance in infected leaves with visible symptoms. The shape of the node denotes network position, defined by Zi-Pi ratio. Edges are colored by the covariance sign. (B) Infection indicator taxa, including best taxonomic match and z-score for indicator analysis. (C) Number of OTUs identified as important by several methods: MTV-LMM analyses that indicate time-dependent OTUs, OTUs that impact the successional trajectory, and core OTUs with high occupancy-abundance. (D) Taxonomic information for the 14 OTUs identified in all 3 analyses in (C). Best match denotes the lowest taxonomic level confidently identified for each OTU using BLAST. Guilds were estimated based on published studies, references are in S1 Table. (E) Network statistics for fungal guilds, calculated as mean values across all time points, with (SD. Data underlying this figure can be found in S5 Data. DOY, day of year; MTV-LMM, microbial temporal variability mixed linear model; OTU, operational taxonomic unit; SD, standard deviation.

Fig 5
