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Independent representations of self-motion and object location in barrel cortex output

Fig 3

L5 S1 excitatory units are tuned to object location at touch.

(A) Raster (top) and stratified PSTH by pole location (bottom) for example neuron tuned to anterior pole positions. (B) Average firing rate versus depth from pia for active non-location (black), location (gold), and silent (gray) putative excitatory units. (C) Touch PSTH (left) and location-tuning curves (right) for three example units tuned to anterior (top), middle (middle), and posterior (bottom) pole positions. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. (D) Population heat map of object location–tuned units, sorted by preferred location. White spaces are insufficiently sampled pole locations. (E) Shape of normalized tuning curves across all object location–tuned units. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. Mean half-max width response was 1.8 mm (approximately 9.2° of azimuth). Data and code available at L, layer; max, maximum; PSTH, peristimulus time histogram; S1, primary somatosensory cortex; spks/s, spikes per second.

Fig 3
