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Feeling fooled: Texture contaminates the neural code for tactile speed

Fig 3

Speed discrimination across textures.

(A, B) Discrimination performance—as gauged by the proportion of trials on which the comparison was judged to be faster than the reference versus speed—averaged across subjects for each texture pair. In (A), the reference and comparison were the same texture (reproduced from Fig 2, but organized by pairs). In (B), the reference and comparison were different textures. The color (black or red) depicts the texture used as reference. (C) PSE for the same (left, light) and different (right, dark) texture pairs. Error bars denote the SEM (n = 8 for each same pair, n = 9 subjects for each different pair). Stars reflect the outcome of a one-sample t test versus 80 mm/s (− denotes not significant, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001). The effect of texture on PSE was consistent with the results from the magnitude estimation experiment (Fig 1C, intercepts). Data underlying this figure can be found in S1 Data. PSE, point of subjective equality.

Fig 3
