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A unified mechanism for LLPS of ALS/FTLD-causing FUS as well as its modulation by ATP and oligonucleic acids

Fig 2

NMR backbone dynamics of the FUS NTD on a ps–ns timescale.

(A) Amino-acid sequence of the FUS NTD (1–267) with the PLD (1–165) colored in purple and RGG1 (166–267) in blue. Arg residues are underlined, and one Lys residue is colored in green and underlined. (B) Spectral densities at J(0), J(ωN), and J(0.87ωH) of the 15N-labeled FUS NTD calculated from the 15N backbone relaxation data as measured at 800 MHz. FUS, Fused in sarcoma; NTD, N-terminal domain; PLD, prion-like domain; RG, Arg-Gly; RGG, Arg-Gly-Gly; RGG1, RG/RGG-rich region 1.

Fig 2
