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Action Enhances Acoustic Cues for 3-D Target Localization by Echolocating Bats

Fig 2

Head waggles and target motion.

(A) Incidence of head waggle for Bat 1 during one-target simple (left) and one-target complex (right) motion. Displayed are the z-positions (height) of right ear (black) and left ear (red), with times of head waggles displayed in green. Notice the increase in head waggles for one-target complex motion. Far right panel displays a cartoon of the head waggle motion. (B) Summary across all bats for normalized head waggles per second for four different types of target motion. There is a significantly higher number of head waggles per second for one-target complex motions than all other types of target motion (permutation test, p < 0.0001). (C) Mean +/- s.e.m. of head waggles per second at the conclusion of a sonar sound group. The zero time point is the offset of the last sonar pulse in a sonar sound group. Plotted over these data are the mean waggles per second outside the context of sonar sound group production (black) and the 95% confidence interval on the mean in red. (D) Left to right, normalized head waggles per second for one-target simple, two-target simple, two-target pass, and one-target complex motions. The top row is the target position throughout trials; the bottom row is the target distance aligned normalized mean +/- s.e.m. of head waggles per second for each variety of target motion. Data for this figure can be found at

Fig 2
