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Polarized Exocytosis Induces Compensatory Endocytosis by Sec4p-Regulated Cortical Actin Polymerization

Fig 1

Spatial and temporal co-localization of Sec4p with actin patch subunits during actin patch assembly.

A–C. Images of wild-type cells (WT; BY4741) showing the co-localization (arrowheads) of newly transported GFP-Sec4p particles after photobleaching with Sla1p-, Las17-, and Abp1-RFP (bar = 2 μm). Duplicate examples of kymographs are shown comparing the relative timing of GFP-Sec4p co-localization with each actin patch subunit. For each kymograph shown, green (GFP-Sec4p) and red (RFP fusions) arrowheads indicate maximum voxel fluorescence intensities. D. Bar graph reporting average differences in time for the maximum fluorescence of each RFP-marked actin patch subunit relative to GFP-Sec4p (n = 22 particles/strain; kymographs from ≥ 11 independent cells). In all graphs, data is shown as mean values with error bars representing standard error of the mean (S.E.M).

Fig 1
