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Membrane Potential Dynamics of Spontaneous and Visually Evoked Gamma Activity in V1 of Awake Mice

Fig 2

Gamma occurs in short bouts.

(A) Distribution of LFP gamma amplitude over time in an example PV recording. Quintiles are color-coded from light to dark blue as a function of gamma amplitude and represent amplitude ranges occurring during one-fifth of the recording time. (B) Visual stimulation biases LFP gamma amplitude toward the range of strong gamma quintiles (n = 34; red line: overall fraction of time spent in each quintile; error bars: s.e.m.; ***: p < 0.001, signed-rank test). (C) Example trace of the recording shown in (A) (top: whole-cell recording; middle: gamma-filtered LFP (light blue) and gamma amplitude envelope computed with the Hilbert transform (dark blue); bottom: gamma quintiles color coded as in (A); grey rectangle: visual stimulation period). (D) Enlargement of the portion enclosed in the black rectangle in (C) showing examples of spontaneous gamma bouts. (E, F) Distribution of the duration of gamma bouts outside (E, Stim Off) and during (F, Stim On) visual stimulation in gamma cycles (number hemicycles of the gamma filtered LFP divided by two; n = 34; error bars: s.e.m.; black line in (F): statistical difference between Stim Off and Stim On, FDR-corrected signed-rank test, α = 0.05).

Fig 2
