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Signal Transduction by a Fungal NOD-Like Receptor Based on Propagation of a Prion Amyloid Fold

Fig 4

[Het-s]y-prion inducing activity of a NWD2(1–534) construct in yeast.

A. A yeast strain expressing HET-s(218–289)-GFP was either transformed with an empty control vector or a plasmid, leading to expression of NWD2(1–534) and three different point mutants of NWD2(1–534) as noted. In each case, the fraction of cells containing dot or ring aggregates was determined. Experiments have been carried out at least in triplicates and error bars are standard deviations; the asterisks denote that aggregate formation rate was zero. At least 1,800 cells were counted for each construct, and the p-value of the difference to wild-type calculated as a two-tailed Fisher’s test was <0.001 in all cases. B. Representative fluorescence micrographs of the corresponding cells.

Fig 4
