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A Simple Mechanism for Complex Social Behavior

Figure 4

LsrA encodes a putative transcriptional regulator related to human Nulp1.

(A) Alignment of human Nulp1 with LsrA. This family is characterized by a conserved DUF654 domain of unknown function (boxed in blue) and the N-terminus shows weak homology to the bHLH DNA-binding and protein-protein interaction domain (boxed in red). Identical residues are highlighted in dark grey and conserved residues in light grey. (B) Structure of the lsrA gene to illustrate the position of the insertion cassette. Numbers indicate base pairs. (C) Developmental regulation of LsrA subcellular localization. A LsrA-GFP fusion protein was expressed under the control of a constitutive promoter. LsrA-GFP is evenly distributed throughout vegetative cells but is enriched in the nucleus and at the cell periphery at multicellular stages of development (mound and slug). The LsrA-GFP fusion construct was able to rescue defects associated with the lsrA mutant (unpublished data).

Figure 4
