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Quiescent Fibroblasts Exhibit High Metabolic Activity

Figure 3

Comparison of central metabolic fluxes in proliferating and CI14 fibroblasts.

Fluxes were derived by computational integration of all available experimental data within a systems-level, flux-balanced metabolic model. Arrow size indicates the magnitude of the flux in CI14 fibroblasts. Color indicates relative rates compared to proliferating fibroblasts; red indicates higher flux in CI14 fibroblasts and green indicates higher flux in proliferating fibroblasts. While the ribose phosphate–to-UTP flux is mostly faster (within the 1,000 identified solutions) for proliferating than quiescent fibroblasts, its distributions do overlap across different proliferative states, so our stringent condition for different rates is not met in this particular case (see Materials and Methods). αKG, α-ketoglutarate; Hexose-P, hexose phosphate; OAA, oxaloacetate; Pentose-P, pentose phosphate; PEP, phosphoenolpyruvate.

Figure 3
